Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Valentine's Day Giveaway!

I love Valentine's day! I still remember the 1st Valentine's Day I spent with my husband. We were only dating a few weeks, and I decided to cook for him. I ended up making him vegan alfredo with tons of peppers. The sweet guy that he was ate it without complaint and hated every bite. I still have the gift he gave me, a mixed CD tied with a red bow. In the eleven years that passed, It's the most memorable one for me, because in a crowded bar surrounded by friends we decided that we would "officially" become boyfriend and girlfriend (yes cheesy and sweet), and have been together ever since!

Anyways I was invited to join a group of bloggers in a giveaway (and you know how much I love doing giveaways)! The Lucky winner will win a $40 Restaurant Gift Card and a $35 Victoria Secrets Gift card! Follow The Rules Below!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mothering Monday


I was never one of those moms who wanted to co-sleep. I was to afraid of SIDS (like fanatically afraid, and now consider myself a SIDS expert), but my daughter had other plans for us. So from ages 5 months to 11 months she slept in-between my husband and I every night and every morning from her first feeding until the alarm went off.

When Grace was around 16 months old, I noticed that she wasn't like the other kids her age and one day she woke up and stopped wanting to snuggle with us. When she was 2 and had to move her into a big girl bed, I thought surly when she transitioned from a crib to a big girl bed she will want either her father or I to sleep with her. Again I was wrong, as soon as we were done reading her books at night, she would scream at us to get out of her bed. 

I'm sure her behaviors has always been sensory related, and so I've had to accept the fact that I am helping her by respecting her feelings, even though at the end of a hard day with lots of meltdowns all I really want to do is snuggle up next to her and watch her finally be content with her world.

So to my surprise three weeks ago in the wee hours of the morning, my Grace (along with princess castles, My Little Ponies, princesses, and whatever else she decided to sleep with that night) started climbing inside my bed next to me and sleeping with both Matt and I until Phin decides it's time for us to wake up. I do find that it's kind of uncomfortable and I have had to kick my husband out of bed a few times (he didn't mind, that's how great he is), that I haven't had a solid night sleep since she started,  and I'm worried that something is bothering her and she can't express it. Whatever the case may be, I love snuggling up next to her (ponies and all) knowing this is a brief moment in time, and at any moment it can stop as soon as it began. In the meantime I will try to get all my snuggles in and enjoy every second of it!

Now when my Phin starts joining us it will be officially time to buy a bigger bed!

Grace Sleeping In Her Cinderella Costume 
Setting Up Her Ponies For Their Morning Construction Job

Choose Joy!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Choosing Joy and New Changes in 2012

It's been a while since I have done a blog post. I have learned a lot in my first four months of business:
1. The start up is a lot easier than the daily running of a business
2. My friends will understand that there are boxes of clothes all around my house
3. My customers have been amazing, and I have been loving every minute of it
4. I still get excited by every order I receive
5. My husband is more amazing than what I give him credit for
6. The WAHM community is fantastic, they keep me going and continue to inspire me.

With that being said, I have been playing around with how I want to run Dress Up Jane. When I originally started I wanted to do giveaways (because really who does not like free stuff), feature fabulous mom businesses (because I think it's important to support one another), blog (because I enjoy writting), and still list clothing and run the consignment side of Dress Up Jane.

So what do you have to look forward to:
1. Every weekend I will post 70-100 new items to the store!
2. Adding Toys, Maternity, Mom-made Products and more to the Store!
3. Monthly Giveaways and Occasional Flash Giveaways
3. More Blog Posts
4. Pre-Sale Discounts for Consignors
5. What We're Wearing Wednesday- Send your kids photos to in their Dress Up Jane clothing, and if we feature your child get a special discount!
6. Once a Month Markdowns 10%,20%, 30%, and occasional 50%!
7. and for the immediate future a Free Gift with purchase! A Choose Joy Bracelet from Lil Blue Boo. If you don't know her story check out her blog, she is amazing, and because of her she inspired my New Years resolution! Can you Guess What is is?

Anyways That is all for now, I will try and update along the way. I hope everyone is enjoying the start of a New Year and if your lucky enough enjoying some snow (it was 70 degrees in TX today)!

My Joys
